Monday, June 3, 2013

Miss Non-Congeniality

    Prepare yourselves, dear readers, to momentarily be transferred into the world of "Bethany's Complete Stupidity." 
    It's a fascinating world for everyone else, but on my end, it mostly results in total embarrassment. Now, this is probably the story that most inspired this blog, and it's a pretty funny story at that. 
    One thing about living in Bloomington is that it rains--a lot! Discovering this bit of information, I decided to invest in an umbrella, which I had to use the very next day. 
    One morning, it was raining on my way to work. Due to the fact that it takes me a good five minutes to walk from my car to the building (because this place is huge) I opted to use my umbrella. 
    As I neared the building, I realized there was no cover or extended roof of some sort above the revolving doors I had to go through. So as I was walking up to the door, I thought that if I folded up my umbrella outside I would get wet and that would defeat the purpose of carrying an umbrella this whole way. 
    I then proceeded to have an argument with myself in my head. As I was walking I told myself, "I can totally fit myself and my expanded umbrella into this revolving door. Yeah! I can easily do that; not a problem!" 
     I was still encouraging myself with these words as I walked into the revolving doors......and got stuck. 
    My umbrella, left arm and half of my body was in one section of the doors, while my head and rest of my body was in the other section. 
    I paused for a few seconds, contemplating what I should do. And then I looked behind me and (bearing in mind this was the time everyone was getting to work) there was a group of people starting to line up at the door. When I looked at the guy directly behind me and apologized, he was laughing so hard and said "better you than me." 
    So I ended up reaching me right hand into the section my umbrella was stuck in and folded it up, then I had to manually push the door and squeeze out, re-scan my badge and try it all over again. 
    By this point, I was wet like I was originally trying to avoid, but mostly I was embarrassed. I walked through the door the second time and acted like nothing had happened, but I am positive that I was the topic of many lunchtime jokes that day. 

***Just trying to be discrete, but when you are as clumsy as I am, the universe takes pleasure in announcing it to the world.***

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